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Special Needs Policy

At Arc en Ciel Preschool, we strive to create an inclusive environment where children with diverse learning styles can thrive. Our teaching approach incorporates oral instruction, hands-on activities, creative expression, movement, and exploration. This allows students to engage through their strengths, whether they are auditory, visual, logical, or kinesthetic learners, fostering well-rounded development.

While we welcome neurodiversity, our staff is not trained in special education, and we do not provide one-on-one instruction or specialized therapeutic services. As such, the school reserves the right to determine both eligibility for enrollment and the conditions for continued enrollment, based on the resources available and any potential impact on the classroom environment.

Parent Responsibilities and Admission Process

During enrollment, we ask parents to disclose any previous Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or professional evaluations. Each child will also be personally interviewed, as we value the opportunity to get to know them with “fresh eyes.”

If, during enrollment or at any point after admission, we notice that your child has not achieved key developmental milestones, we will schedule a parent-teacher-director meeting. During this meeting, we will discuss ways the family can support their child’s education, which may include pursuing professional evaluations. This collaboration is essential for ensuring the child’s success.

In cases where recommended assessments or interventions are not pursued, Arc en Ciel may be unable to continue enrollment, as we want to ensure we can properly support every child’s development.

What We Do Not Provide

  • IEPs or accommodations outlined in IEPs

  • Educational or psychological evaluations

  • One-on-one instruction or constant monitoring

  • Program modifications that conflict with the school’s philosophy

  • Adaptive testing or curriculum waivers

  • Adaptive aids such as laptops or hearing amplification devices

  • Interpreters

  • Specialized services (e.g., speech, occupational, or physical therapy)

Parent-School Partnership

A strong partnership between parents and the school is essential, especially for children with additional needs. We expect parents to openly share their child’s educational and behavioral history, respond promptly to meeting requests, and support their child with any recommended services.

At home, consistent routines—such as unstructured playtime, nutritious meals, adequate sleep, and opportunities for responsibility—help children thrive. Conversely, excessive screen time, poor nutrition, and overscheduling often create challenges for children in the classroom.

Developmental Milestones for Enrollment

While we embrace diversity, our preschool works best when certain developmental milestones are in place to ensure a smooth transition into the classroom. Children entering our programs should demonstrate the following skills:

  • Ability to follow one-step directions from multiple adults

  • Ability to listen to a story for 5-15 minutes (for preschool-aged children)

  • Willingness to participate in group activities and social play

  • Basic communication skills (verbal or with sign language) for safety purposes

  • Toilet independence

  • Ability to transition between activities with minimal assistance

  • Parents willing to partner with the school if additional support or evaluation is recommended

  • Ability to manage conflicts with minimal aggression (e.g., no biting, kicking, or hitting)

  • Openness to co-regulation with teachers

  • Ability to stay with the group throughout the day’s activities

We look forward to partnering with families to support every child’s growth. By working together, we aim to provide the best possible learning experience at Arc en Ciel Preschool. Thank you for your trust in us!

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